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Morning Repose @Happy Om

Restoring Holistic Practice

  • 15 British pounds
  • Happy Om Yoga Studio, 2nd floor Capitol House, Heigham Street, NR2 4TE

Service Description

The third Saturday of the month In this morning's practice, we will be turning our attention inward—a space where transformation and healing naturally unfold. The intention is to return to a sattvic state, characterized by equanimity, calmness, and balance, guided by the rhythm of our breath. The class commences with a gentle and mindful flow, seamlessly transitioning into a restorative session with prolonged and nurturing holds. Through surrendering to passive postures, we invite a state of effortless awareness. These postures allow the body to recall its inherent tranquillity and embrace the art of REPOSE, known as Viśrānti in Sanskrit—a state of peaceful grounded Being, that state of real connectedness. The physical practice is complemented by the harmonious integration of mantra, pranayama (breathing techniques), and concludes in savasana, Yoga Nidra for deep relaxation, or meditation, adapting to the collective theme and energy of the group. This session is inclusive and accessible to all levels, welcoming everyone with varying degrees of yoga experience. Alternatives and modifications are thoughtfully provided, encouraging you to explore and find what feels right in the present moment. Booking is essential as spaces are limited / £15 ​ "Something amazing happened. I finally managed to just 'observe' my thoughts, and feelings and stay in the present moment for a while. Those whose minds always run at top speed know how difficult that can be. I guess sometimes everything just clicks...the timing is right and you meet people that truly represent what they teach and care about their students. It feels like a fresh start.'' ~Martina Svubova ​

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule for this monthly event, please contact Ivana at least 48 hours in advance. Thank you.

Contact Details

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