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My journey...

Body of Breath, Senses, Mind & Heart
                              – a Cont
inuum of Being,
nt of the Soul

Ivana Prekopova, yoga, tantra and ayurveda norwich.jpg

Endless exploration with a deep love and reverence to these ancient teachings and to all of my teachers; all the things known and unknown, Mother Nature, our innate nature and all about this Life, falling into wholeness and plenitude.

To me, this is the pathless path of spiritual life/ Essence of Life. Journey of healing, purifying, transformation, alignment and 

eventually self-realisation.

Areas of my studies include the practices and wisdom from traditional Yoga, Tantra and  Ayurveda.

I had, and still have, the privilege to learn and study for about 12 years now with Swami Atma Gyanam Saraswati from The Yoga Tree, Swami Nihchalananda and his team from Mandala Ashram, Katherine Girling & Everett Newell from Zuna Yoga,

Rod Stryker from Para Yoga, Myra Lewin from Hale Pule and many more.

Over the last decade, I have trained and certified (2100+ hours) in Traditional Hatha (Satyananda and Krishnamacharya traditions),

Tantra /Kundalini, Chakra, Kriya Yoga & Mantra/, Yoga Sutras, Yin & Restorative Yoga, Advanced Pranayama, Yoga Nidra,

Meditation & Ayurveda and have shared over 3000 hours of teaching.

I completed my first year-long teacher training in 2015 continuing to study ever since...

In 2018 over the period of 10 months I have been initiated into Kriya Yoga through the lineage of Swami Satyananda at Mandala Ashram. Shortly after that, I started to co-run Happy Om Studio in the centre of Norwich.

Over the period of two years (2020-2021), I have completed 300 hours of Vedic studies of Yoga, Ayurveda, Mantra and Meditation with

Dr. David Frawley, which entitles me to be a Yoga & Ayurveda Wellness Consultant.

January 2021- January 2022 I have finished one year-long mentorship and daily sadhana on Kriya Yoga and Chakra Dharana with Swami Atma Gyanam. 

Last year I finished another year-long 200 hours of studies with Myra Lewin from Hale Pule  (August 2022-September 2023) and freshly qualified as an Ayurvedic Health Advisor. I look forward to sharing consultations with individuals and in group settings about deep assimilation and digestion of life. 


Current Svadhyaya (self-study):

Nada Yoga - Yoga of Sound - exploring Mantra, Raga and Kirtan with Sacred Sound Lab since 2020

Ayurvedic Health Counsellor (3-year long studies 600 hours)-understanding true healing through restoring our connection to rhythms of nature  2024-2026

All of these studies and most importantly my personal inner work and experiences have created a holistic approach to what I share and live…

At the core of my offerings lies an intention. So these teachings, which have been passed on and through me, will inspire your heart and mind to descend into the exploration of knowing yourself on deeper levels of your being.

You will be invited to welcome yourself into these practices as you are and start from this very place…

To slow down from the busyness of day-to-day life. To quieten our minds and to re-connect. To remember our innate nature which rests in effortless awareness.

For intensifying and, most importantly, sustaining this freedom and creative field through movement, awareness, breath,

subtle body practices and self-inquiry.

Whether it is healing, purifying, transforming, inspiring or tapping into the unknown I look forward to sharing with you.

I believe with reverence and commitment to yourself, through these practices, Yoga reveals itself and allows us to receive its spark of insight, clarity and richness in this sacred life.

Weaving these threads together has been, and will continue to be, my life’s purpose.


When I am not practising, teaching or studying Yoga or Ayurveda, you will you'll find me immersed in the simple joys of life. Walking in the woods, spending time with my favourite people, my cat Madhu (sweetness in Sanskrit), in the kitchen exploring  Ayurvedic cooking, looking after my indoor jungle (I have almost 100 plants!), gardening, playing harmonium, reading, taking photographs, knitting, crocheting and

being with

All That Is-LIFE

Om Tat Sat,

Ivana - Tara Devi x

yoga and ayurveda with ivana Norwich Norfolk

At the core of your being, beyond mind, beyond body, lies your true nature.

A sparkle of light, a sparkle of energy, totally peaceful, at one with the world.

Playful. Innocent. Gentle. Generous. Loving. Wise.

Find the space where You can remember your connection with the divine flow..... who you really are. . . . .

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